Can we slow, stop or reverse your myopia?

We need your help to see if we can by using a non-invasive approach grounded in
an emerging body of visual neuroscience research on the role of ON pathways in
human vision and the impact of weak ON pathways in myopic individuals. We are
recruiting children and adults in Fairfield County, Connecticut for a clinical study.
By 2050, 1 in 2 people on the planet will have myopia (the inability to see far objects clearly).
Review study FAQs, sign up, or listen to Dr. Schulman, lead investigator, using the links below.

Practice Website: | Office: 203-255-4005 | Email: | 2600 Post Road, Southport, CT 06890
CT Office Locations: Southport, Norwalk, Trumbull and Stamford | Copyright 2025 | Study Site Approved by Sterling IRB, IRB ID: 11655

Myopia Study FAQs

What is Myopia? (also known as Near Sightedness)
Myopia is a vision condition in which people can see close objects clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred.
There are risks associated with myopia progression, such as retinal detachments, myopia macular degeneration and cataracts.

What is the Purpose of the Study?
The purpose of the study is to slow, stop or reverse myopia progression in children and adults as measured by
eye axial length and auto-refraction.
Does this clinical study have IRB approval?
Yes. Approved by Sterling IRB, IRB ID: 11655.

Who Is Eligible To Participate?
High level eligibility criteria includes:
- Between the ages of 8-12 (child) or 18-44 (adult) and in good general health
- Wear glasses or contact lenses
- Glasses or contact lens prescription is between -1 diopter and -4 diopters and astigmatism of <=1 diopter
- No previous use or current plans to start a myopia control program in the next 6 months.
   Common myopia control programs include: Atroprine, Orthokeratology, MiSoft Contact Lenses, specialty glasses
   (e.g., HAL, DIMS, DOT, PALS, prismatic bifocals, etc.)
- Additional eligibility criteria or questions can be reviewed with a study team member.

What Are the Costs to Participate?
Qualified participants who enroll will receive study-related treatment, tests and assessments at no cost.

What will I be required to do if I join the study?
Participation consists of three phases:
Screening - to determine eligibility and agreement to participate
Treatment - In office treatment which involves, building stronger visual functioning, healthier visual habits indoors and outdoors
and completing tests/assessments
Monitoring - periodic tests/assessments and brief lifestyle questionnaire

How Long Does Study Participation Last?
• Weekly 30 min. office visits for 16-18 weeks
• Monitoring visits over the following 18 months include 2 visits for adults and 4 visits for children
Where are the study locations in Fairfield County, Connecticut?
Southport (primary site), Norwalk and Trumbull.
What is the Scientific Rationale for the Treatment Program?
A growing body of research on the role of ON pathways in human vision. Recent studies demonstrate weak
ON visual pathways in myopic individuals cause deficits in pupil constriction, image-retina stabilization
and contrast sensitivity which may then increase myopia in affected individuals. Recent studies also
demonstrate that bright surfaces, self motion, visual stimulation and the ability to take in sharp images at
distance stimulate ON visual pathways. The study treatment program aims to change the visual diet and habits
of study participants to see if myopia can be slowed, stopped or reversed in treated individuals.

Scientific References - Highlights Only
A complete list of scientific references is available from a study team member.

Related Research News on the Study Approach?
- National Academy of Sciences News Release, Myopia: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of an Increasingly
Common Disease
, 2024, See Section/Page 231

- NIH>National Eye Institute News Release, Reading and Visual Health, 2023
Video below highlights difference between reading vs. walking.

Sign Up To Share Your Interest in Participating

Share your contact details below. We look forward to connecting further.
High-level Eligibility Requirements:
- Prospective participant is 8-12 years old (child) or 18-44 (adult).
- Glasses or contact lenses have a prescription strength of between -1 Diopter and -4 Diopters
- No previous use or current plans to begin a myopia control program in the next 6 months
   Common myopia control programs include: Atroprine, Orthokeratology, MiSoft Contact Lenses, specialty glasses
   (e.g., HAL, DIMS, DOT, prismatic bifocals,etc.)
- Available to come into one of our offices - Southport, Norwalk or Trumbull, CT.
If you have questions, feel free to contact us at

The Clinical Team

Dr. Randy Schulman, M.S., O.D., F.C.O.V.D., F.C.S.O.
Primary Clinical Investigator & Owner of EyeCare Associates ( Video Invite: 1 minute)

Our Team

Our practice is committed to bringing the latest in developmental optometry, eye disease, and ocular health management,
as well as a natural/holistic approach to eye care so each patient receives the care they deserve for their best vision possible.
Dr. Randy Schulman and our other practitioners are published authors and speakers and are committed to excellence and
ongoing clinical research in the field of Optometry.

Main Practice Site:
Office: 203-255-4005 | Email: | 2600 Post Road, Southport, CT 06890
We have CT offices in Southport, Norwalk, Trumbull, Stamford and NY offices in Mohopac and Kisco.